(Sorghum bicolor)

  • Sugarcane Aphid tolerance
  • Excellent yield performance
  • Wide area of adaptability
  • Superior agronomic package
  • Excellent for double cropping

FSG 801 is widely adapted from north to south across various soil types and environmental conditions. Good emergence and early vigor help FSG 801 get off to a fast start, while exceptional stress tolerance allows for dependable yield performance under adverse conditions. If you need a early maturity hybrid with high yield potential, FSG 801 is the variety to ask for.

Disease/Insect/Nematode Ratings:
Anthracnose: 5
Downy Mildew: 4
Fusarium: 4
Head Smut: 3
Maize Dwarf Mosaic Virus: 4
Greenbug Biotypes Resistance: C&E
Sugarcane Aphid Tolerance: 3
Agronomic Traits:
Yield Potential: 5
Emergence: 4
Early Vigor: 5
Stress Tolerance: 5
Standability: 4

Ratings:1=Excellent 5=Poor

NR: Not Rated, Insufficient Field Data

Planting Recommendations:
Non Irrigated Planting Rate: Seeds per Acre 30,000-40,000
Irrigated Planting Rate: Seeds per Acre 70,000-80,000
Average Seeds Per Pound: 14,000
Grain Sorghum Bag Weight: 50lb.
Adaptation Recommendations:
Relative Maturity: Early
Days to Midbloom: 50-52
Plant Profile:
Grain Color: Red
Test Weight: Excellent
Threshability: Excellent
Plant Height: 42″-48”
Stalk Quality: Excellent
Root Strength: Excellent
Head Type: Semi-Open
Head Exertion: Excellent