Low endophyte

Select Tall Fescue has greatly reduced levels (less than 5%) of the endophyte fungus. This eliminates concerns that animals feeding on SELECT Tall Fescue will develop feeding disorders like fescue foot, bovine fat necrosis or fescue toxicosis which are normally associated with animals feeding on highly infected fescue cultivars like Kentucky 31.

When establishing a new pasture, make a good effort to eliminate any old fescue in the field by using a herbicide, tilling and/or crop rotation.

Medium-late maturity

Select Tall Fescue has outstanding regrowth and color during the summer for maximum grazing. Tall fescue has the best summer forage production of the cool season grasses normally used in pastures.

Excellent hay and pasture variety

SELECT can be utilized in pure stands or in combination with legumes such as white clover, red clover, alfalfa or lespedeza. Tall fescueforms a tight sod, when seeded at proper rates, that will withstand the pressures of continuous stocking. SELECT also makes outstanding hay when harvested prior to maturity. Stubble height should be 3 to 4 inches when grazed or hayed.

Perfect for winter stockpiling

Tall fescue maintains nutritive value better than other cool season grasses, which allows growth to be “stockpiled” in the field for winter grazing.

Wide area of adaptation

Tall fescue can be grown successfully on a wide range of soil types and can tolerate pH from 4.7 to 9.5. Optimal production and feeding value will be achieved in a more neutral pH with proper fertilization.

Variety LOC/YRS % Mean
Select 25 101
Fuego 11 98
Mozark 23 97
Barcel 23 84
Maturity Medium
Endophyte Low
Persistence Very Good
Drought Tolerance Very Good
Planting Rate (pure) 15-20 ft / A
Planting Rate (mix) 8-10 # / A
Seeding Dates (Spring) 3/1 – 5/15
Seeding Dates (Summer) 8/1 – 9/15
Minimum Soil pH 5.5
Stockpiling Capabilities Excellent
Primary Use Grazing and pure grass hay