• Mid-Late maturing variety
  • Significant forage yield advantage over Climax
  • Selected for excellent spring vigor and plant health
  • Strong summer re-growth after cutting
  • Very winterhardy and palatable

Crest is a later maturing timothy with a heading date similar to Climax, but with a substantial yield advantage as shown below. Crest has strong agronomic performance compared to older varieties of timothy, and a wider range of adapatability. Crest is excellent in mixtures with legumes and for ground where later hay harvests are required due to wet soil conditions. In pure stands, Crest’s yield and quality makes it ideal for premium horse hay.

University Yield Trial Highlights:

Cornell University (Ithaca, NY) Seeded May 2003, 2004-2005 results:

  • 2nd out of ten varieties, with 9.45 tons DM/acre for two year total
  • Yielded 1.86 tons more DM over two years than Climax Timothy!

Univ. of Wisconsin (Arlington, WI) Seeded 2003, 2003-2005 results:

  • 1st out of four varieties, with 14.43 tons DM/acre for three year total
  • Greater summer re-growth yields compared to other varieties in 2nd, 3rd, and 4th harvests out of five total cuttings