•  Dark green color
  • Excellent shade tolerance
  • Good resistance to the major chewings fescue diseases
  • Low maintenance – requires less fertilizer, less water & less mowing

Frazer exhibits excellent turf quality, dark green genetic color, high plant vigor, persistence and disease resistance. Frazer will geminate very rapidly to quickly establish a lawn.

Frazer mixes well with other turfgrass species for premium quality lawn mixes. Its bright, dark green color is similar to many perennial ryegrasses and Kentucky bluegrasses. Frazer has a darker green color than many European varieties that are still widely used. Spring turf green up is excellent with rapid early growth and color development, Turf density is good.

Frazer is noted for its resistance to most of the major diseases which affectchewings fescue. These include leaf blotch, anthracnose, powdery mildew, red thread, dollar spot and rust.

Genetic resistance to these diseases is a benefit under low maintenance turf conditions and for turf areas having a high level of environmental awareness like parks, play areas, schools, etc. A solid performer over a wide geographical area, Frazer does not require large inputs of fertilizer or pesticides to produce an outstanding turf. It thrives under low maintenance turf management regimes including golf course roughs, roadside turf, parks and home lawns. Frazer can be relied upon to provide an excellent turf alone or in mixtures with other grass species.